As a business owner, you are likely well aware of the fact that you cannot make everyone happy 100 percent of the time. You are going to get some complaints from customers, but the difference lies in the way in which you handle the complaints. Business owners have many stressful tasks to deal with and answering calls from unhappy customers is just one of them. It is important to do this right since customers want a positive customer experience.
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Are you getting a home security system, and have some preferences of what quality you want the recordings to be? If so, you have three major options that you need to make decisions about that will impact your video quality and how much video storage you have
1. Video Frame Rate
The frame rate of the video is going to play a huge role in how much footage you can save to your storage device, but it can also have the biggest impact on video quality.
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In the tech age, a lot of real estate is digital. Intellectual property is bought and sold for large amounts, so it's important to keep your records clean. Purchasing and transferring Internet Protocol (IP) addresses is a regular part of doing business for many. Read below to get the best outcome by understanding IP addresses, ARIN auctions, and related subjects.
Brush up on your Internet Protocol (IP) address knowledge
The IP address refers to the unique set of registered numbers that every website receives.
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